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Why Am I So Gassy On My Period?
Why Am I So Gassy On My Period?

The average menstrual cycle lasts between 2 and 7 days, but this varies significantly from one woman to the next. In addition to unwanted cramping, bleeding, and emotional changes, some women also experience increased gas while on their period.

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Why Do My Farts Smell So Bad?
Why Do My Farts Smell So Bad?

Quiet, stinky farts aren’t referred to as “silent but deadly” for no reason. Have you ever noticed that some of your toots are more toxic than others? Countless factors can affect the frequency and odor of your flatulence.

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How to Fart on Command
How to Fart on Command

You’ve likely heard of burping no command. A lot of people can swallow air or take a big swig of a carbonated drink, and within seconds, they’re belching with the best of them. But what about farting on command? Can it be done, and if so, how?

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Why Do I Like the Smell of Farts?
Why Do I Like the Smell of Farts?

Vanilla, flowers, spices, and fruity fragrances all top the list of people’s favorite things to smell. But where do farts rank on this list? Surprisingly, it’s higher than you might think!

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The Science Behind Fart Filtering Underwear
The Science Behind Fart Filtering Underwear

You’ve likely used filters on Snapchat and Instagram to enhance your pictures or create funny photos for friends. But have you ever used filters for your underwear? Whether you’re familiar with this invention or not, fart-filtering underwear really does exist and has a very specific purpose – to absorb and neutralize the unwanted aroma of your farts.

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Do Probiotics Really Make You Gassy?
Do Probiotics Really Make You Gassy?

Gut health has never been more important or popular. As research continues and more benefits are discovered, people are placing greater emphasis on how their bodies function from the inside out.

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Does Gas X Really Make You Fart?
Does Gas X Really Make You Fart?

The average adult farts between 13 and 21 times a day. Countless factors can affect flatulence, from your diet and activity level to the medications you take and any underlying health issues you might have. While most people work hard to keep their farts discreet, others want nothing more than to rip a good one and feel the relief that follows.

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Fart Slavery: Exploring The Taboo
Fart Slavery: Exploring The Taboo

To say that the term “slave” is outdated would be an understatement. There are very few scenarios where using this derogatory word is acceptable or even welcomed. One such situation is in a BDSM or submissive/dominant arrangement.

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Can Holding in a Fart Really Be Dangerous?
Can Holding in a Fart Really Be Dangerous?

The average adult passes gas between 10 and 20 times per day. Farting is a natural, healthy part of life. And for some people, it’s a huge turn-on. But even as fart fetishes and fascination over flatulence grows, some people still find passing wind embarrassing or offensive. And it’s these same people that sometimes hold in their farts to avoid uncomfortable moments or humiliation.

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Fart Fetish: Why Does It Turn So Many On?
Fart Fetish: Why Does It Turn So Many On?

Farts are a natural part of life. They’re also humorous, depending on who you ask. Releasing much-needed gas after a large meal or following digestion helps keep your body and stomach functioning properly and feeling good.

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