How to Fart on Command - Whiffr Blog

How to Fart on Command

You’ve likely heard of burping no command. A lot of people can swallow air or take a big swig of a carbonated drink, and within seconds, they’re belching with the best of them. But what about farting on command? Can it be done, and if so, how?

Most people try to conceal or hold in their farts, not generate them on demand. Keep reading to learn not just how to fart on command but why you’d want to.

How to Fart on Command: Tips and Tricks to Try

As offensive and embarrassing as farting might be, it’s also a very healthy bodily function with lots of benefits. Gas trapped in your intestinal tract can lead to major discomfort, bloating, and nausea. Farting releases this trapped air and promotes healthy digestion.

Most people pass gas between 13 and 31 times a day. If your daily average falls below these figures, you may be wondering how to fart on command. This is a unique skill that anyone can master with the right approach and technique.

Swallow Air

Yep! Similar to swallowing air to make yourself belch, this technique can also help you toot. It’s also one of the easiest to learn and socially acceptable (if you need to let one loose in public).

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Sit up straight, with your shoulders back and your chin tipped toward the sky. Now, fill your mouth with air, but don’t inhale it into your lungs. Instead, swallow it. Imagine that you’re swallowing a liquid, pill, or chewed-up food. It may take some practice to perfect this technique, so be patient. The medical term for swallowing air, either purposely or accidentally, is known as aerophagia.

Once you master this, repeat this process as many times as you need to. Soon, you’ll feel the trapped gas start to fill your stomach and work its way down to your lower GI tract and, eventually, out your backside.

Anal Inhaling

Swallowing air through your mouth isn’t the only way to trap gas inside your body. Anal inhaling works the same way, except instead of bringing air into your mouth and swallowing it, you let air into your butt before releasing it. This is a more direct method but a little trickier to learn.

For starters, you have to lie down, so anal inhaling can’t be done just anywhere. Find a comfortable spot to lay flat on your back. Then, pull your legs towards your head, trying to touch your forehead to your knees. You don’t need to go too deep into this pose to draw air into your anus.

While holding this position, take a few deep breaths and try to relax your rectum as you slowly let the air seep in. The more you connect with your body, the more you’ll be able to feel and detect the air slowly entering your body. Hold in as much air as you can until you feel a fart building. Then, when you’re ready, let it rip!

Yoga Poses

Yoga poses offer a wide range of benefits, from increasing flexibility to strength and, you guessed it, the ability to fart on command. Two yoga poses, in particular, are especially effective at trapping air in your body so you can fart on demand – knees-to-chest and seated forward bend.


The knees-to-chest yoga pose is designed to push toxins downward and out of your body – including farts. The best part is that you don’t need to be a yoga expert or even very flexible to use this pose to expel air. All you need is a comfortable place to lie down and plenty of room to work.

Similar to bringing air into your anus, start by laying on your back. Now, bend your knees and bring them into your chest, hugging around your shins. If you can, touch your forehead to your knees, creating a tight ball with your body. This helps open your anus, creating a pathway for air to enter. Hold the pose for 20 seconds at a time, and be patient as the air builds and moves down and out.

Seated Forward Bend

Another simple yet effective yoga pose for farting on command is the seated forward bend. A popular pose for loosening up your hamstrings, the seated forward bend might also loosen up your bowels and help you fart on command. This yoga pose is also proven to improve digestion by relaxing your torso and allowing air to flow freely.

Sit with your legs extended straight out in front of you. There may be a slight bend in your knees, depending on your flexibility. Next, place your hands flat on the floor beside you and press down slightly. Now, hinge at your hips as you slowly hinge your torso forward and over your legs. Slowly walk your hands alongside the side of your body, falling deeper into the stretch as your chest and head inch closer to your legs. If possible, grab your feet with your hands and pull yourself even farther forward.

Hold this stretch for about a minute as you take long, deep breaths. After a few large inhales and exhales out of your mouth, you should notice a decent amount of air also escaping out your backside.

Deep Squats

From yoga to a more traditional exercise pose, squatting does more than just strengthen your legs. It might also help you fart whenever and wherever you want. If you’ve ever seen a humorous gym reel or video on social media, you know that farts during workouts happen. When you bend, move, and exercise your body, it’s not uncommon for trapped air to find its way out, even when you least expect it. One reason is that heavy breathing or panting, which is common during a strenuous workout, causes excess air to build up inside your digestive tract. Squatting, specifically, reduces strain on the bowels, helping open up your intestinal tract and creating an easy escape for trapped air. This phenomenon also explains why the Squatty Potty is so popular for improving bowel movements and making it easier to go.

You can use this squatting technique outside the gym, too, when learning how to fart on command. Stand with your feet flat on the floor. shoulder-width apart. Then, using your body weight, slowly bend your knees and lower yourself into a squatted position until your knees and thighs reach a 90-degree angle with the floor. Imagine yourself sitting down in a chair, pushing your butt backwards. Then, bring yourself back to a standing position and repeat. After a few up-and-down movements, you should feel the gas start to flow.

Eat Gas-Inducing Foods

If you want to fart on command, you need to fuel your body for success – and farts. Certain foods, including beans, foods high in fiber, and certain vegetables, are known to skyrocket flatulence and produce some of the most foul-smelling farts you’ve ever laid your nose on.

Add these gas-inducing foods to your regular diet, or eat them in surplus right before you want to let a few good ones rip.

  • Dairy products (as long as you’re not lactose intolerant)
  • Beer
  • Wine
  • Cabbage
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Whole grains
  • Fried foods
  • Gum
  • Lentils
  • Avocados
  • Berries

Avoid eating too many of these foods at once, as it may cause discomfort, bloating, and adverse effects, including constipation. Experiment with different foods and drinks to identify which ones get your gasses and farts flowing best.

Consider Medications and Supplements

OTC medications like Gas-X and Beano are designed to reduce and relieve uncomfortable gas, bloating, and other unpleasant gastrointestinal issues. Many of these mild medications contain simethicone, an anti-foaming agent that helps break up gas bubbles, reduce pressure, and ease feelings of fullness. One of the ways it does this is by generating more farts. Even if you aren’t suffering from built-up gas, popping a few of these pills can help get your farts flowing so you can produce them on demand.

Reasons to Fart on Command

You might be thinking, “Why would anyone want to know how to fart on command?”. If anything, you might want the secret to NOT farting, tooting less, or making your farts smell better. However, there are a few instances where farting more, producing farts, and knowing how to fart on command might come in handy.

You Need to Relieve Gas Pressure

This is the main reason someone might want to fart on command. If you’re experiencing an increase in gas pressure, bloating, or discomfort, you might find relief from letting some gas go. Certain foods, medications, and lifestyle choices can cause gas to build up in your upper and lower GI tracts, making it difficult to expel it all.

Taking a walk, performing yoga poses, or taking an OTC gas relief tablet can help break up these gas bubbles so they can make a smooth exit out your rear. Once the trapped air is relieved by way of the bum or mouth (as a burp), most people feel instant relief.

Your Partner Has a Fart Fetish

Fart fetishes do exist. Something that most people find offensive and foul is a complete turn-on for people with this fetish. From the smell to the sound and everything in between, fart fetishists can’t get enough of this stinky but sexy bodily function. Even if you don’t have a fart fetish, your partner might, and if that’s the case, knowing how to fart on command could come in pretty handy. After all, it’s an understated form of foreplay for anyone fascinated with flatulence.

There are a few ways to experiment with fart fetishes and farting on command for your significant other. For example, farting during foreplay or other sex play, delivering nasty-smelling farts near their face, or even turning them into a fart slave. Learn more about this unconventional dynamic here.

You Want to Sell Farts in a Jar

A quick Google search will confirm that you can purchase just about anything online. From NFTs to used panties and even toenail clippings, buying and selling farts in a jar isn’t the strangest practice out there. In fact, it’s becoming quite popular within the kink community.

People buy and sell farts in a jar for various reasons, but the two most popular are to fulfil a fart fetish or fantasy or as a gag gift. Some people think it’s funny to bottle up a fart and deliver it to a friend, coworker, or family member as a joke for their birthday or other occasion. 

The influx of fart buyers has created the need for sellers willing to produce farts in a jar. If this describes you, knowing how to fart on command could come in very handy. Selling farts in a jar online can be quite lucrative, but you need to produce fragrant gas on a regular basis to fill your orders and keep your inventory stocked. Using these techniques and learning how to fart on command ensures that both your cash and farts keep flowing!

So, there you have it! Now you know how to fart on command and produce loud, smelly farts whenever you want. Use this knowledge and click here to launch your seller page today!

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